Syntax Studio Photography

They say that no moment can last forever; I disagree, for when I raise my camera, I can make any moment last for eternity.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And Then,...The Sun!

The sun, bright, so beautiful!
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name [is] to be praised. Who [is] like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth [himself] to behold the things that are in heave, and in the earth! He raiseth the poor out og the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; that he may set him with the princes, [even] with the princes of his people. He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD! Psalm 113:3,5-9

Monday, October 4, 2010


I've recently started getting into HDR photography. HDR is cool cause it can take what might have otherwise been a boring photograph and turn it into a really fun image!

About Me

My photo
Bothell, Washington, United States
I play basketball, take pictures, design stuff on my computer, play several instruments, and love Jesus...I'd say that about mostly covers it all! =)