Syntax Studio Photography

They say that no moment can last forever; I disagree, for when I raise my camera, I can make any moment last for eternity.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The World In A Dew Drop

Many times we go through our busy lives all focused on the task at hand. Moving swiftly to and fro as we try to get ahead in this busy world. But sometimes we go so fast we miss some of the many beauties in life. Take some time to slow down and look for some of those treasures that God has placed here for us. =)


  1. LOL!!!!! I wrote a speech once that I said almost the exact same thing.... You're so right, people do need to slow down and enjoy life..I love your pics....

  2. lol, you'll have to let me read that speech sometime! :) Thanks, I'm glad you like my pictures!


About Me

My photo
Bothell, Washington, United States
I play basketball, take pictures, design stuff on my computer, play several instruments, and love Jesus...I'd say that about mostly covers it all! =)